Ken Rudge

About Ken

Understanding VISION and the impact it can have on your life or your organisation is my passion. I love reading, writing and speaking about it in whatever context. If you'd like to get in touch to share your thoughts and experiences with me please do. 

(Brixham, Devon)

Hi! I live in a small fishing town on the south coast of Devon called, Brixham with my wife (Jane and children (Harry and Esther). After leaving Bradford University in 1997, where I studied Business Management, I moved down here to take over a franchise with ServiceMaster Clean. The business had been run into the ground by the previous owner and was a 'man and van' business back then. Working very hard with my wife we built it up to a business with 13 members of staff and a healthy turnover and consistent profit.

In 2006 I finally got 'round to writing a vision statement for the business. I put down in words what was in me in terms of hopes and dreams for the business. Inspired by Michael Gerber's "E-Myth" I wrote down what I thought the business would look like when it was finished. It was October when I wrote it. I know this because the start of the statement started with: "In October 2011..."  I decided it would take me fice years to get there. I put it on a flip chart and shared it with the team from time to time. Eventually it ended up in a roll in the corner. Every now and again I'd have a tidy up in my office and have a read.

During 2011 I became increasingly wrestless with the business. In November 2011 a business mentor suggested we have a look at writing a vision statement for the next 5 years in our business. This reminded me of the roll of paper in the corner of my office. I dug it out and had a look. With a few minor exceptions, and despite all sorts of immense challenges and change, the picture I had created in words back in October 2006 had been realised. I had described the atmosphere in the business, the number of people, the turnover and profit, the kind of business we'd be doing. I was dumbfounded. Partocularly as I had really paid very close attention to the document over the years.

Encouraged by this and prompted by my business mentor I then wrote an ambitious vision statement for the next five years up to 2016. It looked great on paper and read well. It was the logical next step. However as I considered the words I'd put down I felt no excitement for it at all. This spoke volumes to me. So I determined then to get out and do something else.

As I write this in September 2012 our ServiceMaster Clean business is up for sale. I have identified new opportunities to pursue that fill me with more excitement. Most of all however I have discovered that the whole concept of VISION is what I am most passionate about. Bouyed somewhat by my experience, but more by the discoveries i am making the more I immerse myself in the subject.

Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, suggests that "Everything is created twice, first in your mind and secondly in reality". The process of creating it in your mind, and recognising that creation to the point where you can put it in writing is a hugely powerful concept. I encourage you to jump in to what your inner you is telling you and bravely pursue your dreams.